Who We Are
With the sudden realization of my oldest son graduating from high school and my youngest about to start driving, my life as a stay-at-home mom for 18 years needed to make a pivot! Paying for one kid in college, buying a car for my youngest and adding an additional car insurance payment, left me with a tug on my heart to find a solution to help our family financially and help others at the same time.
Death is never easy. Unfortunately, we usually find out we're not as prepared as we think we are. Watching a family member lose their home because all their life insurance was only on one spouse, was extremely hard and heartbreaking. The struggle was real. The mortgage couldn't be paid. They fell behind on bills. There was a funeral to pay for. So many expenses and nothing to help financially.
I knew I did not want another family to experience this hardship and heartbreak. Helping others protect their loved ones is truly an honor. Life insurance is a gift for your loved ones. It's precious and invaluable and I am here to help you whenever you're ready!